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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 05/08/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    More Speculation.

    Voltaire is Pandora's Ex They were not able to have a chld. But Pandora had a son with a mortal and that kid gets all her attention. Volty is setting up machinations to humiliate, hurt, or kill Pandora, Adrian, and/or anyone close to them. All out of petty jealousy. Jerry did warn Susan, Nanase, and Grace about the hissy fits that can erupt when two immortals who chose the same name show up at the same place. A jealous rage where any number of noncombatants may be injured or killed would not seem out of character.
  2. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Hiding a weapon behind the speech balloon? I'm surprised the Joker never attempted that trick against The Batman. It is definitely in the "So Crazy It Might Work" category.
  3. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

  4. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Highly appropriate for today.
  5. 1 point
    Please don't apologise. We all need to vent sometime. Even though it is always possible to find someone worse off than yourself, personal troubles have the added pressure of being... well, personal. You need to carry them all the time and occasionally it just gets to be too much. In fact, it is wiser to vent in this way than to keep that frustration bottled up; you risk the pressure escaping at inopportune moments and in the wrong kind of context. If it is any help, I am sorry you are going through this and hope that you will find a way through it. You have my support and my best wishes in this.
  6. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

  7. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Dangit. You beat me to the Underthing. Also, h0I!!!!!!! I think the "Rad Squirrel" NP arc lends itself perfectly to Undertale slays. BEHOLD! Sweater with two darker stripes? Coincidence? ...probably. "You are an... interesting child." I have no idea why Alphys is holding a gun. Just roll with it. I put waaaaaay too much work into this one. (ignore the purple square on Chara's head in panel 9; I distinctly remember deleting that like three times, but nooooo. I'll try to fix it later. Maybe. probably not.) [Edit 4/1/2017: Fixed the purple square] (Undertale sprites courtesy of the Spriter's Resource, with occasional edits and recolors done by me as needed)
  8. 1 point

    Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    That bit with the Prime Minister reminds me of the newscaster alien Morbo from Futurama, who is known for shouting "(thing) DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!"
  9. 1 point

    Things That Make You Happy

    So, anyone from the old forum might remember me complaining every now and then about Dad not paying child support. Mom just found out through his facebook that he's published a book, Ceres 2525. Guess who hasn't seen an increase in child support since it was put on the shelves? Mom's in a good mood, though. Because we get to call some lawyers. ...where's the smiling devil emoticon when you need it?
  10. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    This reminds me of a completely ridiculous dream I had a while ago. In it, there was a huge fuss about a strain of Ebola which for some reason attacked the teeth first and had somehow managed to get on the Internet. In order to block its propagation, Danish health services instructed everyone to carefully brush their teeth before going online. And then there was a TV clip of our Prime Minister who was absolutely red-faced with fury. He screamed at some hapless quailing guy in a lab coat, "VIRUSES DO NOT PROPAGATE ON THE INTERNET!" Then he paused a moment before going on, "All right, that sounded stupid, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"
  11. 1 point

    Story Friday May 6, 2016

    You know I did not think it possible to like him less than I already had yet somehow I do now. BTW, having dealt with a good deal of chicken ordure lately, it's slightly more pleasant than him.
  12. 1 point

    NP: Monday, May 2, 2016

    I remember them seeing this movie, doesn't seem similar. This is likely going to be whole noir genre parody. Also, it will be definitely mysterious. ... also, I hope it won't lower the chance of Abner showing in the comics again. With Carol.
  13. 1 point
    Obviously a very cold day in Moperville. Justin is suffering the worst case of shrinkage ever.