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Showing most liked content on 10/20/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Don Edwards

    Story Wednesday October 18, 2017

    A rich Alpha Bitch would not be immune to the desire to have others demonstrate her dominance by bringing her gifts. And a less-than-rich Alpha Bitch can occur through sheer force of personality; most commonly, but not always, this person will be an oldest or youngest child in a large somewhat-dysfunctional family. On the other hand, a person who obviously has what it takes to be Alpha Bitch and obviously rejects the role (such as Susan) weakens the power of the role. This is good for other students who can't, or don't want to, play those games. Much the same is true on the male side, albeit manifesting slightly differently. Elliot, being obviously athletic (quite possibly one of the top athletes in the school) and apparently having little interest in school sports (plus having an obvious nerd and a couple of brainy non-cheerleader girls as his best friends), makes things a lot easier for non-jock/non-cheerleader schoolmates. Even without him making any effort to do so.
  2. 2 points
    Woo for surgery date! Wooo!! We're in the home stretch now.
  3. 1 point

    Story Friday October 20th 2017

    http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2412 Diane is the Mycroft to Susan's Sherlock.
  4. 1 point
    Tom Sewell

    Story Friday October 20th 2017

    At this point, Dan should think about making Diane's last name actually being "Holmes." It sounds like the kind of funny coincidence the Will of Magic would like. And I like the way Dan has Susan say "brilliant" like Rhoda said way back in #864 on Grace and Ellen's first day of school.
  5. 1 point

    What Are You Ingesting?

    /me takes note. "I got that one..."
  6. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    What Are You Ingesting?

    Tea porn comes at a steep price.
  7. 1 point

    Things You Find Amusing

    Zooommmm Over my head it goes.
  8. 1 point
    English muffin toasted. Topped with Tiptree Little Scarlett Conserve, which (according to the novels) was James Bond's favorite jam. That should give me a positive energy rush for a little while.
  9. 0 points
    Badly thought out laws... in the US some years back there formed a notion that it would be better for parents to abandon unwanted newborn infants at hospitals or fire stations or other such places, as opposed to out in the woods or in a dumpster behind some restaurant, so laws were passed in a bunch of states allowing such abandonment (along with surrender of all parental rights) without legal penalty. One state neglected to put an age limit on the children thus abandoned. During the ten weeks before this oversight was corrected, 36 children who had already had their first birthday - and in quite a lot of cases their thirteenth as well - were abandoned in compliance with the deficient law. The oldest was 17. (But you do have to have some sympathy for the abandoning parent in that case - a recently-widowered father with nine minor children; he turned them all over to the state.) Six of those 36 children turned out to be legal residents of other states, so were sent back to their parents; presumably the suitable authorities of those states were notified.