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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from The Old Hack in NP Friday June 3, 2016   
    Wow. For some reason, I was afraid that a Pokémon joke about evolution would have caused a religious argument, but instead you chose to talk about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
    I love you guys.
  2. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from The Old Hack in NP Friday June 3, 2016   
    Wow. For some reason, I was afraid that a Pokémon joke about evolution would have caused a religious argument, but instead you chose to talk about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
    I love you guys.
  3. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to hkmaly in NP Monday June 6, 2016   
    You can argue like this for most pokemons. Hell, Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree is classical example of metamorphosis. In fact, that's where the "meta" from "metapod" came from.
    He likely got the pom pom in same way Kadabra get spoon when evolving from Abra.
  4. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Wixelt in NP Monday June 6, 2016   
    What, like a Dewitchery Diamond. I've heard that item's pretty rare. And it only works if the subject has the 'Cursed' status inflicted, anyway.
    That would be one of those evolutions which creates a second Pokemon, though, now that I think about it. So that's probably not it.
    EDIT: Actually, since I put far too much thought into analyzing the past couple of NP comics (and their commentaries), this is what we can tell about Football Player and Cheerleader by general deduction and Pokemon logic:
    Football Player is a 1st Stage evolution, as it doesn't appear to believe it exists, so can't have evolved before. Football Player evolves when traded, given visual evidence, though whether specific parameters need to be met is unknown (With Football? With Steelix?). Football Player knows or can learn Seismic Toss, as mentioned. Football Player might be a Fighting type, since most Pokemon able to learn Seismic Toss are, and Seismic Toss is a Fighting type move. Football Player may be able to learn other Fighting type moves aside from Seismic Toss.  
    Cheerleader is a 2nd Stage evolution, by process of logic. Further evolutions are unknown. Cheerleader can learn Bounce, as commentated on. Cheerleader might be a Flying type, since Bounce is a Flying type move, though this is unlikely, since many Pokemon of other types can also learn it. Cheerleader can know Seismic Toss, as it's previous form knows or can learn it. Whether it can learn it if it does not know it already is unknown. Cheerleader might be a Fighting type, as it's previous form might also have been a Fighting type, due to knowing or being able to learn Seismic Toss. Cheerleader might be able to learn other Fighting or Flying type moves. As I said, far too much thought.
  5. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to ChaosSepher in Story Friday June 3rd 2016   
    All these semantics and physics speak, and all I care is the awesome legs these ladies are showing off.
  6. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Scrapyard_Dragon in Story Thursday June 2, 2016   
    Nah, He's a neutral 
  7. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from liontari in Index of ongoing plotlines   
    Thanks for making this thread, it will make recapping a lot easier.
  8. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Matoyak in More Speculation.   
    ~shrug~, they both seem equally unlikely to me. This one slightly more so, truth be told. I don't care for either theory, honestly. I just think splitting the discussion into two spots with distinct expectations will help discussions from devolving into what this one did between you and Remnant.
  9. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to InfiniteRemnant in More Speculation.   
    Again, until we see a canon example otherwise...
    Besides, at this point it feels more like your grasping at straws than anything else. I don't see a point in discussing this further.
  10. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to InfiniteRemnant in More Speculation.   
    so wrong hair, wrong eyes, generics says "not likely" to noriko relation.
  11. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to The Old Hack in Word of Dan Discussion   
    I did and I do. You and all the other posters here who have been devoting your time and energy to make this a positive and welcoming place.
  12. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Drasvin in STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016   
    There wouldn't be hybrids, as wizards can gain spells through the normal personality-tailored method. Being a wizard just adds a new method of gaining spells. There's nothing to suggest that being a wizard would cause a person to lose the normal method of earning spells other than a notion of balance or fairness and the EGS-verse isn't an rpg. The different types of magic aren't balanced against each other. If the magic of the EGS-verse was intended to be balanced in some manner, then there would be serious questions about Grace, who is possibly the most powerful person in Moperville that isn't an immortal and she got that power for just being who she is.
  13. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to hkmaly in STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016   
    Wizards just have to see a spell enough times to learn it. No spellbooks.
    Unlikely. Being wizard is just another kind of magical talent which doesn't interfere with getting own spells. Wizard awakened by marking would still be wizard, just like Susan would get summoning-type spells even if her original mark will be something different.
    I like the idea that two genetic traits needs to combine to form the dangerous rarity. Explains why it's so rare.
    ... or only appear if MULTIPLE genes are combined in right way. Or both - that is, it's combination of multiple recessive genes.
    No. Unlike Tedd, she is not so often around other people using spells, so she MIGHT still be one and just not noticed. On the other hand, I find hard to believe Edward didn't tested her.
    I think it's "gathering magic" is more like charging of wands and it's not able to absorb spells. Remember that Tedd never TRIED to use it to absorb spell.
    Also, Ellen sort of "overloaded" the beam, so it's still question if it didn't have some special effect. I mean, besides the obvious sideefect of hiding antennae, which shouldn't happen. But yes, even normal V5 beam would keep Vladia transformed unless she TRIES to change form.
    To be more specific: Uryuom enchantments NEVER stack. Earth-stuff MAY stack - it varies.
    There is NO "wearing off after energy runs out". It's all about resistance. As Tedd proved by staying as grace 15x longer than the expected time, person can keep transformation they're ok with very long - likely by supplying their own energy to prolong the transformation. The default duration is based on average person resistance.
  14. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from Matoyak in More Speculation.   
    Let's compromise and agree that EVERYONE is related to Susan and Diane somehow. They could be descendants of Raven's father's family, the blonde mistress AKA their real mother could be Noriko's cousin or something and one of Noah's parents could have been related to Susan and Diane's father, which would make them related to Noah too.
    There. Now everyone's happy. [/sarcasm]
  15. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from Matoyak in More Speculation.   
    Let's compromise and agree that EVERYONE is related to Susan and Diane somehow. They could be descendants of Raven's father's family, the blonde mistress AKA their real mother could be Noriko's cousin or something and one of Noah's parents could have been related to Susan and Diane's father, which would make them related to Noah too.
    There. Now everyone's happy. [/sarcasm]
  16. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from Matoyak in More Speculation.   
    Let's compromise and agree that EVERYONE is related to Susan and Diane somehow. They could be descendants of Raven's father's family, the blonde mistress AKA their real mother could be Noriko's cousin or something and one of Noah's parents could have been related to Susan and Diane's father, which would make them related to Noah too.
    There. Now everyone's happy. [/sarcasm]
  17. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to TamarTree in EGS Strip Slaying   
    The sequel to my "Elliot vs. Lord Tedd" slay:

  18. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to TamarTree in EGS Strip Slaying   
  19. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Vorlonagent in NP: Monday, May 16, 2016   
    ...unless you live in the RWBY universe...
  20. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to tuoteg in NP: Monday, May 16, 2016   
    Justin has a fire-arm here; http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1147
  21. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to InfiniteRemnant in STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016   
    and then as a twist (almost) nobody sees coming, Sister 3 turns out to be about Grace and Vladia.
  22. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Don Edwards in STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016   
    Well, all the aberrations we've seen were wearing clothes that fit them reasonably well. Spidey's had some serious custom tailoring (which he may have done himself, but then he'd still have to acquire fabric, thread, buttons, and preferably a sewing machine and a reasonably-secure work space). They may prefer to not live outside in the rain and cold. They may need to eat ordinary food to maintain their bodies, more often than would be satisfied by their need to drain victims of life-force. Most probably need to travel every so often to avoid attracting too much attention. They may have ambitions beyond living a really long time - Sirleck for example.
    Money would be useful.
    However, if I were an aberration and learned that someone was trying to draw a lot of aberrations to Moperville, I'd be careful to stay well away from that city. Preferably on another continent. Because the expected consequence of a concentration of aberrations is a concentrated aberration-hunt. 
  23. Like
    SeriousJupiter got a reaction from ProfessorTomoe in Pinup: Sunday, May 1, 2016 (The Fund Part II)   
    Nice beach balls.
  24. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Don Edwards in Story Comic for 2016 April 25th   
    Time travelers do a lot of voluntary policing of each other, and it also turns out that reality is somewhat self-correcting.
    Example of both
  25. Like
    SeriousJupiter reacted to Pharaoh RutinTutin in Pinup: Sunday, May 1, 2016 (Tiny Justin)   
    Obviously a very cold day in Moperville.
    Justin is suffering the worst case of shrinkage ever.