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  1. 4 points

    NP, Friday April 29, 2016

    Because war... war never changes. You can try to play nice, and be the peaceful mediator, but eventually, you'll realise you're a lone Courier in a world forged in flame into an awful temper. Especially when idiots who model themselves after Romans in dress but fail to understand Roman philosophy, tactics, even ethics. Sure, the Romans weren't great, but still. There's more to Rome than crucifixions and mangled Latin. If this false Caesar was not into Romans, he might well have been into Native American stuff. Or arab stuff. Or modelled himself after the British empire. The wasteland could do with a cup of tea. And the outcome would have been the same. A gang of mad dog killers, aping their betters from history, but failing to learn from it. Maybe they were going for a cargo cult, by shaping themselves to be reminscent of Rome, they would attract the trappings of the rest of Rome, but alas, all they've done is proven is that their version of Rome can burn down into nothing in just one day.
  2. 2 points

    NP, Friday April 29, 2016

    And thus the Broman Empire falls. Achievement unlocked: Alaric.
  3. 1 point

    Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    I'm not sure I feel comfortable with the idea that magic would be making Elliot like the female forms, at least that's what your sentence sounds like. It implies personality alterations not as extreme as the superhero spell's secret identities but still an alteration. Elliot's personality is probably the perfect type for the situation he's in, he was always pretty much "eh no big deal" especially if it dealt with things about him, if it's something like bullies or gay bashing he doesn't let it stand, but most other stuff doesn't bother him that much and so he takes it in stride, when he first got zapped by Tedd, yeah he was upset for a moment but then he was like "well, I can't let this keep me from doing what I normally do." That kind of personality was never adverse to strange things, Elliot and Tedd are best friends after all and Elliot's seen a lot of strange stuff hanging out with Tedd. Also, take a look at Elliot and Ellen's parents, they're not phased by strange things, Elliot definitely gets his laid back nature from them, and I think that's what's helped him become comfortable enough with his magic and female forms to actually like them.
  4. 1 point
    I fail to see why refugees would just come to Australia if they're in New Zealand. They seem to think that the refugees would be determined to get New Zealand citizenship to settle in Australia. https://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/wpg_URL/Services-Citizenship-Become-a-New-Zealand-citizen-Part-1?OpenDocument According to the link, the refugees would need to stay at least 5 years before they have any possibility of gaining New Zealand citizenship. All that just to enter Australia? What precisely were the LNP thinking?
  5. 1 point

    Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    The trouble with deciding to label Elliot at this point is that right now, being female is tied up with having special powers. He's reached the point where he's able to admit to himself that he loves being a superhero-female, but we really don't know for sure to what degree he'll like being a girl when being a superhero-male is just as easy to become, with just as many magical advantages. For Elliot, right now, being a girl is superior for too many reasons that don't actually have anything to do with being a girl, for him to really know yet whether the 'girl' part is a factor or not. It will be interesting to find out. Maybe Elliot will discover a fondness for being a girl based on the same power-tripping "great big tease" reasons Tedd had expressed for wanting to be a sexy female in earlier stories.
  6. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    NP, Friday April 29, 2016

    YES. So long, Bromans. You shan't be missed.
  7. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    NP, Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Rend Caesar with that which is Caesar's.
  8. 1 point

    STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Aha! I've been trying to figure out why I dislike them so much as well (beyond them being brought up for everyone and their dog), and I think this is it, at least in part.(Edited it and added emphasis to make it more clear what parts I agreed with and why). Well there's also the fact that the theory assumes the no-children limitation is a biological problem that can be worked around by introducing foreign biology. for all we know it could be a magical problem that acts like a curse; preventing/terminating ANY offspring regardless of the method used to produce them. Raven is smart and has worked with Edward before. he didn't say can't have children normally, he said can't have children. He seems awfully certain.
  9. 1 point

    NP, Wednesday April 27, 2016

    ... well, you can roleplay a seer that way
  10. 1 point

    What are you learning?

    Oh my. That's well beyond my audio engineering skills to handle. I've used Audacity, Sony Acid, Finale, and Reaper, but for mostly relatively basic stuff. Beats, Mashups, original songs, and basic editing and mastering. It's like riding a shetland pony and having someone blast by you on a full blooded Arabian.
  11. 1 point
    Xenophon Hendrix

    STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    How's this for a wild guess: The blonde is Susan and Diane's human DNA donor. She and Susan's adoptive father both worked at the corporation doing the mad science with the Uryuom eggs. Raven, of course, is the half-immortal DNA donor.