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Showing most liked content on 04/24/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The Old Hack

    Things You Find Amusing

    This reminds me of an experience the father of a friend of mine had. This was due to computers in the Danish Bureau of Taxation not handling rounding very well. One fine day he received a letter from the Bureau of Taxation informing him that he had an outstanding tax of 0.00 Danish crowns, to be paid no later than the first of the following month. He shrugged and filed the letter vertically. (In Danish office lingo, the wastebasket is also fondly known as the vertical file.) Two months later he received a very strong letter warning him that since he STILL had not paid his outstanding taxes of 0.00 crowns, now six weeks overdue, the Bureau of Taxation demanded that he pay within the next two weeks or face a ten percent additional tax as well as paperwork fees, and if he still refused, they would take him to court. For some reason, the local post office refused to let him send a money order for the Bureau of Taxation for the sum total of 0.00 crowns. So he called the Bureau of Taxation and asked them what he was supposed to do, or if he should just wait until the case went to court. It took some fifteen minutes of panic on the other end to find the case and kill it. Apparently they were not very eager to present their end of the case to a judge.
  2. 1 point

    Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    Jerry, stop trying to use loopholes........
  3. 1 point
    You said a double-red-tape mouthful, which must now be recorded in triplicate, signed, reviewed, stamped, reviewed again, re-filed, and submitted to the appropriate department head who will stamp one copy and send the rest back through the whole damned process. I told you I worked for the Internal Revenue Service (the U.S. tax agency). I got to see it at its worst when I was something called a "Payment Tracer" back in the mid-to-late '80s. That's sort of a White Hat position among the IRS staff. Lots of authority to go digging through records, looking for records of lost payments. I got to see just how relatively ancient some of the technology was during that time. Case in point: some payments had problems with their identification that made them "unpostable" to an account. Those were recorded on trays of punch cards, which were Xeroxed after being run through the mainframe. Usually, if the taxpayer provided sufficient proof and we could match it to an unpostable record, we could "force post" the money onto their account. However, we had a long-standing problem with a certain range of unpostable ID numbers—no one could match anything in that range to any documentation the taxpayers sent. One night, I went back to the dusty hall where the records were kept (yes, it was an old, poorly lit, brick-walled, dusty dead-end hallway) and did some deeper-than-normal research into the issue. You won't believe what I found. Someone had dropped a pair of punch card trays and had put them back together out-of-sequence. It resulted in Taxpayer A getting Taxpayer B's money, Taxpayer B getting Taxpayer C's money, and so on. At least a thousand taxpayers were affected by this "slipped unpostable" problem. My finding resulted in the closing of a metric crapload of lost payment cases. Ahem. Back to the topic at hand. Going back to my primary doctor for my laryngospasm cough today. I'm expecting him to prescribe a nebulizer plus some medicine to go with it.
  4. 1 point

    What Are You Ingesting?

    Incidentally, I got curious and pulled up Continental's website last night. Guess what I found? Rich Beefy Mince! It's in a new packet, which means they may have temporarily stopped making it and then restarted. In either case, I shot off an e-mail to AussieProducts.com and asked them to order some the next time they do an import container (that's how they get their stock from Australia into the United States). I said I'd buy at least half a dozen. I'm not trying to plug their site, but I am encouraging the adventurous among us to go to Continental's Recipe Bases website and see if there's anything there that appeals to you. If so, send an e-mail to AussieProducts.com and ask them to bring some over. Don't bother telling them I sent you—they wouldn't know me from a hole in the ground, and they don't give out "referral points" or anything like that. There, tOH. I'll shut up now. I hope I didn't overstep the bounds of the Off Topic forum.
  5. 1 point

    Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    How? The one who is grabbing him may stay on astral plane. He doesn't need to scream: he only need to imply he could wake up Susan if the grabber would follow him to material plane. I think she killed that vampire quite thoroughly, but yes it could be his brother ... or friend. I mean not literal brother but someone who considers him his brother. Abner was just lucky. I think we need to call professionals. Charlotte's Angels.
  6. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    What Are You Ingesting?

    She needs to get into the spirit of it. Tell her that she should give them a "no worries, she'll be right."
  7. 1 point
    Update: we got lucky. Mrs. Prof tried the one trick I hadn't thought of—going into the pharmacy and saying, "We're supposed to have a discount card on that." It worked. They'd left off the discount card codes. They re-ran the prescription with the discount card and came up with the old price. Hallelujah. We both feel so relieved. I feel so dumb.
  8. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    Things You Find Amusing

    In honor of Earth Day, I shall be spending this entire day on Earth.
  9. 1 point

    Things You Find Amusing

    We can look at our own history to know that different cultures developed unique fighting styles with various weapons, and for europeans at one time, honorable combat involved both sides lining up their troops on the field. What Klingons used for weapons and how they fought would likely have worked for Klingons just fine. But comparing how a Klingon fights versus how a Human fights would be like that scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indiana Jones was confronted by a swordsman trying to be intimidating and Indy just pulls out a gun and shoots him.
  10. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    The Grammar Thread

    I don't know how I missed this.
  11. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    Last Post Wins

    Engineers in a secret lab developed the means to bring biological specimens forward through time. After bringing forward several dozen plant samples from the Late Carboniferous period, the team went out to celebrate. Unfortunately, they didn't secure the equipment properly. By the time the lab crew returned, a swarm of Dragon Flies with two foot wingspans had destroyed their research. When all the damage had been cleaned up, the director could only look at the crew with disappointment and say... "Time Flies. While you're having fun."
  12. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    The Grammar Thread

    They're goddamn Gorilla and they want to make sure that we know it.