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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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  1. 5 points
    The Old Hack

    Monday, May 9, 2016

    I have just spent the past week looking into the development of gunpowder and this was the exact mental image I didn't need. Thanks, Critter. I now have new meanings for 'blow job' and 'banging hot' I easily could have done without.
  2. 2 points

    NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Shaka, when the walls fell.
  3. 2 points
    Aura Guardian

    NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    I don't think it has safeties against being used as a bludgeoning implement. Or of the form it gives someone being weaker, letting them get killed more easily by a bludgeoning implement.
  4. 1 point

    NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Darmok and Gelad at Tanagra.
  5. 1 point

    NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    The Mall-Goblin, in the mall, with a shopping bag. While I know it's a joke, my brain got wondering. Doesn't the TF Gun have safeties that prevent it from bestowing a lethal transformation? It follows the rule of transformations being convenient, but I think the TF Gun having safeties like that has been explicitly mentioned. I don't remember where, and don't really feel like diving into the archive to find one little fact.
  6. 1 point

    NP, Friday April 29, 2016

    I see it more like euthanasia -- they're too sick to live, and should be put down as swiftly as possible for the good of all.
  7. 1 point

    Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Oh, "Serious Business"! How silly of me! I mistook it for an initialism--S.R.S. B.S.N.S., and wondered what it was an abbreviation for.
  8. 1 point

    Monday, May 9, 2016

    I just figured that most of the pages were blank, and they filled in as one's magical repertoire grew. Also, simplest solution to Elliot's problem: use a Secret Identity form now, and become his normal self when he gets to the apartment.
  9. 1 point
    Isn't his expectations as to how his other forms think and act shaping them into being more like that? They likely have basic natures, i.e. Mild Mannered is, well, well mannered and unlikely to go to extremes, but probably can range approaching Velma levels of SRS BSNS inspired by Tedd on a quest, all the way to Fluttershy levels of social anxiety. It's unlikely she's cripplingly timid since magic is way more convenient than that... Although, saying that, do the characters in-continuity know the "It's More Fun That Way" rule we know from outside continuity periods? Otherwise Elliot's magic is terrifying, since he rewrites his brain chemistry to alter his personality every time he transfoms, and that can't be good!
  10. 1 point

    NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    It was ducky, in the ballroom, with the lead pipe.
  11. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Dangit. You beat me to the Underthing. Also, h0I!!!!!!! I think the "Rad Squirrel" NP arc lends itself perfectly to Undertale slays. BEHOLD! Sweater with two darker stripes? Coincidence? ...probably. "You are an... interesting child." I have no idea why Alphys is holding a gun. Just roll with it. I put waaaaaay too much work into this one. (ignore the purple square on Chara's head in panel 9; I distinctly remember deleting that like three times, but nooooo. I'll try to fix it later. Maybe. probably not.) [Edit 4/1/2017: Fixed the purple square] (Undertale sprites courtesy of the Spriter's Resource, with occasional edits and recolors done by me as needed)
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    I guess I should post my oldies too, so here goes! Remember when Elliot was suddenly Spanish? Remember when they all went to dinner in an underground cavern in New Mexico? I'll admit, it does sound unbelievable. Remember when glue slays were funny? Yeah, me neither. Ashley's not in on the in-joke. The day Susan broke Ashley. Half a WHAT!? Remember when Justin slays were funny? Yeah, me neither. Remember when Navi was not annoying? Wait what am I saying I never even played that game. This may apply to some people. Only they can decide who they are. I've always wondered, was Martia-Kirk's hair real or did she shapeshift a toupee? The real reason Elliot and Susan didn't work out. The real reason Elliot and Susan didn't work out. And now we know: they were both wrong.