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NP Monday, March 14, 2016

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2 minutes ago, Howitzer said:


OK, was that sweater due to Grace quickly running out and back, or due to someone (Ellen, apparently) giving it to her?

Given where her hair is pointing and the speed lines, I assume it was Grace quickly getting clothes.

Looks like Edward's presence has more bearing on Grace's decency than Grace's own personal beliefs.

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This entire story line has had me feeling for various characters and/or laughing at how the situation can be like my life at times. In this particular case I live in a nudist household. I am pretty fine with my room mates seeing me in just about any state of dress/undress. But when we all hear a particular boyfriend (Or worse, family) walks through the door *zoom* all of a sudden everyone is dressed.

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12 minutes ago, weirdee said:

she probably has a sweater stowed in every room as a contingency plan

I think you meant this as a joke but that is pretty much what happens when you often find yourself needing to get dressed in a hurry in your own home.

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12 minutes ago, Don Edwards said:

In Stranger in a Strange Land a certain household had a sign on the inside of the front door: "Did you remember to dress?"

As opposed to Lady Sally Callahan's place, where the sign at the entrance reads "PLEASE COME AGAIN"  ;-)


Personally, I'm with Grace, but I don't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable, either.  So, I generally wear more clothes than I would if it weren't for the social mores.

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"My house, my rules."

Plus, it is generally indecent to show up unclothed.

1 hour ago, CritterKeeper said:

As opposed to Lady Sally Callahan's place, where the sign at the entrance reads "PLEASE COME AGAIN"  ;-)

As opposed to an exit sign that says, "DON'T COME BACK!"

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Tanya Huff has a great book which involves a family of "werewolves" who can shapeshift whenever they choose and have many canine traits.  They all tend to wear one-piece sundresses and shorts with elastic waistbands and such, stuff that's easy to skin out of and back into, and there's a general clutter of clothing lying around the house ready for when unexpected visitors show up.  More than once the protagonist detective finds herself stuffing into her purse an article of clothing someone threw off moments before in order to change and go run as their dog/wolf form.

Of course, there are a fair number of people in the nearby town who have guessed their deep dark secret -- that they're a family of nudists....

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20 minutes ago, Stature said:

Under which division?

Whatever organization the main 8 end up creating to deal with all the vampires and and bulldog dragons and stuff because Arthur Arthur won't do it. ;)

I guess technically they've already started it with Charlotte's Angels, just need to get the rest of the crew in on it.

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11 hours ago, WR...S said:

I think it's due to determination.

I don't think she'd be heading for a bad time, Grace isn't the sort to do a Genocide run. Yet.


Still, I think this is more a matter of Grace wanting to stay in Tedd's dad's good... Graces, pardon the pun.


After all, she is a freeloading girlfriend of his son, living rent free, as well as a weirdness magnet on top of Tedd's weirdness magnettery in a town that is made of weirdness magnets and a declining population innocent bystanders. Plus she's totally anxious about how figures of authority see her (as seen in the school segment and how she deals with Mr Verted) compounded by a secret superpowered life she barely Clark Kents at all (Now Elliot, he Kents so hard that I think he has a thing for people with prominent S sounds in their name, like how Superman loves everyone with the initials LL because of a golden age in-joke that never had a punchline)


Stressful sweater and slacks grab, go!

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Panel-By-Panel Analysis! Been a while since I did this. First time doing this for an NP comic too. Anyway, let's get to it.


Panel 1: Video games! The perfect timewaster! Co-op games are always better if you have someone to play 'em with. Also Grace is still topless.

Panel 2: Grace don't care. Tedd's dad is home, though.

Panel 3: Suddenly clothed! Grace may not care, but Mr. Verres clearly does and has said as much in such a way as to warrant this reaction from Grace.

Commentary: I dunno, Dan. You went to all the trouble of discussing illusions and then basically ignored them. As a result we missed out on a million opportunities to have Susan's face with Grace's expressions. ...I need to get that slay back up now that I think about it.

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Clever squirrel. Even if she doesn't mind Edward seeing her naked, clearly he does mind it and has warned her against it. Edward is overall pretty cool for an MIB, but it's his house and his rules.

I still wonder why nobody ever told Grace that she shouldn't walk around naked before she met Tedd. Were those shady scientists she grew up with massive creeps or something? :(

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Hedge had warned her about flashers, but she didn't really understand what he meant and didn't associate it with nudity in general. It was likely not a subject that ever came up during her childhood as she probably spent the majority of the time there in half squirrel form and so it wasn't a big deal since she still had all the fur covering her. I also imagine when she did go full human form, she probably just wore clothes because everyone else did and didn't question why.

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19 hours ago, Howitzer said:


OK, was that sweater due to Grace quickly running out and back, or due to someone (Ellen, apparently) giving it to her?

Grace running out and back. Ellen is not that fast.

12 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

If Grace gets any faster at the art of quickly changing clothes, she will qualify for the super hero internship.

As opposed to her Shade Tail form, which qualifies her as top superhero.

1 hour ago, Scotty said:

I also imagine when she did go full human form, she probably just wore clothes because everyone else did and didn't question why.

I think when she went human she wore clothes simply because they told her to. "Put this on and transform to human." They likely didn't bother explaining why or giving her any choice in anything in general.

7 hours ago, Scotty said:

I don't think she's living rent free anymore, at the very least working at Salty Crackers has allowed her to help out with buying groceries and stuff, and she likely helps keep the house clean.

We know Edward wasn't making her get a job. It was Grace's idea. I'm not sure he said anything about her being naked - maybe just some hrmph or sigh ... but Grace does know that he doesn't like it and isn't the type to force the issue.

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