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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    The Old Hack

    NP Friday April 1, 2016

    I have always had an odd love-hate relationship with Karma meters. I like the idea and it does add variation to the games, but sometimes the choices are so STUPID. For example, in classic KotOR where you play a force sensitive character you keep getting choices between Light and Dark Side. In one situation you meet a man being mugged by gangsters. You can elect to save the man (Light Side), ignore the event (Dark Side) or kill the muggers because they irritate you (Dark Side.) Okay, no problem. But afterwards you can either help the man a bit more (Light Side) or extort all his money from him (Dark Side.) Er, what? Let's say you were trying for a Darth Vader style character feel. I can totally see him kill some muggers because they irritated him. But can I see him taking the victim's money afterwards? No. Why not? Because it is TOO SODDING PETTY. It is so much beneath Vader's dignity that it is ridiculous. And that is the problem with Karma meters. They all too often oversimplify, or worse yet, do evil for evil's own sake, purely for the muhahahaaa of it. If I play a villain, I'd like my evil to at least make sense. This can also be a problem with Good, but in my experience Evil tends to be the more egregious of the two. (Or Light and Dark Side, or in the case of Mass Effect, Blue and Red.) Sigh.
  2. 1 point

    More Speculation.

    Just had an epiphany about Helena and Demetrius' role in this story. Way back in "In the Shadows" we see Edward, Wolf and Cranium discussing their investigation into the disturbance in the forest and getting that warning from Pandora about the "Egg", they didn't get any more information about it so Edward takes them off the case and states his intent to "enlist the assistance of some friends" following it up with "let's just say there's a reason I know so much about Immortals". Remember how Jerry said that Edward was a VIP in the world of the paranormal. I've stated my belief that Helena and Demetrius have been following Elliot around because they were asked to, it's also been very strongly implied that Magus is the "Egg" that Pandora mentioned, and Magus knew that Helena and Demetrius had an improper death. I'm now thinking that Helena and Demetrius are the "friends" that Edward spoke of, they would be better suited to investigate the activity of another Immortal and if they did uncover anything important, their improper deaths might have been caused by Pandora to prevent them from reporting that back to Edward. Part of that info would have been the plan to use Elliot to get Magus back into the mortal plane but their memory only just mentions "blah blah follow blah blah Elliot blah" so they just assume that he needs to be watched but not sure why.
  3. 1 point

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Still alive just sort of computer less. Facebook and forums are a pain on a tablet, and my real computer is in my new apartment. I will be back as an active gadfly starting in a week or ten days. J. Michael Looney
  4. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    Oh my God yes. I still remember an infamous annual report from the Danish nuclear test station at Risoe. At the time it was led by a physicist named Dr. Hiller. Due to incautious use of the spell checker, his name was spelled 'Hitler' throughout the entire report. I am morally certain that the poor man did not deserve that.
  5. 1 point

    NP Friday April 1, 2016

    meh. SAO always felt like a pretty, but shallow, rehash of other anime series. It starts off looking like it's going to be all complex and deep and get inside your head at first... only to follow through with a generic damsel in distress subplot, questionable characterization choices making several characters feel like the kind of people who never would have bought an MMO in the first place, a main plot that feels rushed, and constant dissonance between the running subplots and the THREAT OF IMPENDING DEATH. That said, i may be a bit... biased. Kinda a big fan of .Hack//, so somewhat predisposed to hate something that feels like a mockery...
  6. 1 point

    NP Friday April 1, 2016

    Yeah, this is Fallout, not Sword Art Online.
  7. 1 point

    NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016

    ... I'm not surprised it bit her.
  8. 1 point
    No offense was intended. If I don't double check every detail, I make mistakes. Strange how the spellcheck accepts "Dianne" with two Ns but rejects "Tedd" with two Ds.
  9. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016

    No. Realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...
  10. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Things that make you MAD

    Thank you. You couldn't have known, mind you, but the sentiment is truly appreciated.
  11. 1 point

    Things that make you MAD

    I'm so sorry to hear that. Now I feel silly for testing your sense of humor yesterday.
  12. 1 point
    Pharaoh RutinTutin

    NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016

    A moose once bit my sister
  13. 1 point

    NP Friday April 1, 2016

    Grace is being very cheerful and friendly for walking around in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, isn't she? Also, I love how upfront this guy is about being a violent criminal. Even if he's not trustworthy, he is at least honest.
  14. 1 point
    Friends and countrymen (and $5 Patreon supporters), it has come to my attention that non canon Susan is edging past werewolf Nanase in the transformation polls. Should she win, it would be a sad day for Moperville. The new magic set, which is set in the gothic horror wored of Innistrad, is being released next week and, as such, this is the perfect time for the werewolves to show their mettle and demonstrate how they will protect the forest and us all. There is still time to right this grave injustice. If you haven't voted yet, please do so and, in doing, show your support for the forest. Show your support for freedom. Show your support for Nanase. This message has been paid for by friends of Nanase 2016.
  15. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Forgot this one, not sure who made it. Hauled it out for April Fool's day
  16. 1 point
    I like Sarah. She reminds me of my fiancée. What can I say - the unassuming girl next door with a mischievous streak and a sense of adventure has always appealed to me.
  17. 1 point

    NP, Wednesday March 30, 2016

    There's a reason Justin Trudeau is at the Nuclear Security summit right now, he's getting ideas. Yep Canada is sick of the world thinking of us as polite, apologetic lumberjacks. When WW3 happens, we'll be ready, and we'll make everyone apologize..... Yeah....I couldn't keep myself from giggling as I typed that.