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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 05/12/2016 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I just had a thought regarding this comic. What if Pandora wasn't the one controlling Dex? What if it was Voltaire? I know the urn symbol on the pendant hints towards Pandora with the old roots of the Pandora's Box myth, but I'm not sure we've had a definitive yea or nea if that is what the symbol means. Meanwhile, Dex was mentioning 'for the greater good.' Pandora doesn't really seem like the type to care about the greater good. She cares about her son and things being interesting. I imagine she could use 'for the greater good' as means to manipulate someone into doing something interesting, but what we've seen of her direct action, she prefers to nudge things into motion and then let them develop organically (much more interesting that way). Voltaire, on the other hand, is certainly willing to use 'for the greater good' to advance his agenda as seen in this comic. I don't know what he would have gained from killing everyone at the dojo, but little is known about Volty's plans or end goal.
  2. 4 points
    Bah, she harmless. There's nothing odd with her being that nice it's just how she was programmed. What? we're overdue for a "secret robot" subplot.
  3. 4 points
    Ashley has some similarity to Akiko. Nanase is reacting as if her little sister was throwing herself at her ex.
  4. 1 point
    "Ah, my old foe, Nixon!"
  5. 1 point
    Well, if anyone would be an expert on manipulation, it would be Phoenixon. Good to see you, and welcome back, old friend.
  6. 1 point

    NP: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Well, it would be his actual neck, except for the fact that he doesn't have a neck.
  7. 1 point
    I very much doubt it's what's happening, but It would amuse me greatly if Ashley learned manipulation from Tom and is just 1) less malicious and 2) infinitely better at it than he ever was.
  8. 1 point
    Aura Guardian

    NP: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Agreeing that the Block's faces are funny. From the commentary: " but never had it been his own literal metarphorical neck on the line. " I'm not sure whether that line is hilarious enough to overcome my simmering anger at an abuse of "literal"
  9. 1 point
    The Old Hack

    Monday, May 9, 2016

    I have just spent the past week looking into the development of gunpowder and this was the exact mental image I didn't need. Thanks, Critter. I now have new meanings for 'blow job' and 'banging hot' I easily could have done without.
  10. 1 point

    Monday, May 9, 2016

    There is *always* math. Psych is biology. Biology is chemistry. Chemistry is physics. Physics is math.
  11. 1 point

    More Speculation.

    Wild Theory of the Day: Diane and Susan had to be separated for magical reasons. The idea of twins developing their own private language is well-known. Twins often share talents and encourage each other to develop them. Well, what if, together, Susan and Diane started manifesting their magical talents at a very early age? Neither one on their own was able to do it, but together they could create magical objects. And, like most toddlers, they had very little sense of what is and isn't appropriate behavior in public, so they started making magical objects appear in public whenever they were together. It might even have become dangerous -- again, toddlers don't know *what* not to summon as well as *when* and *where* not to summon. So, for the twins' own safety, they had to be split up.
  12. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    I guess I should post my oldies too, so here goes! Remember when Elliot was suddenly Spanish? Remember when they all went to dinner in an underground cavern in New Mexico? I'll admit, it does sound unbelievable. Remember when glue slays were funny? Yeah, me neither. Ashley's not in on the in-joke. The day Susan broke Ashley. Half a WHAT!? Remember when Justin slays were funny? Yeah, me neither. Remember when Navi was not annoying? Wait what am I saying I never even played that game. This may apply to some people. Only they can decide who they are. I've always wondered, was Martia-Kirk's hair real or did she shapeshift a toupee? The real reason Elliot and Susan didn't work out. The real reason Elliot and Susan didn't work out. And now we know: they were both wrong.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point

    More Speculation.

    Just had an epiphany about Helena and Demetrius' role in this story. Way back in "In the Shadows" we see Edward, Wolf and Cranium discussing their investigation into the disturbance in the forest and getting that warning from Pandora about the "Egg", they didn't get any more information about it so Edward takes them off the case and states his intent to "enlist the assistance of some friends" following it up with "let's just say there's a reason I know so much about Immortals". Remember how Jerry said that Edward was a VIP in the world of the paranormal. I've stated my belief that Helena and Demetrius have been following Elliot around because they were asked to, it's also been very strongly implied that Magus is the "Egg" that Pandora mentioned, and Magus knew that Helena and Demetrius had an improper death. I'm now thinking that Helena and Demetrius are the "friends" that Edward spoke of, they would be better suited to investigate the activity of another Immortal and if they did uncover anything important, their improper deaths might have been caused by Pandora to prevent them from reporting that back to Edward. Part of that info would have been the plan to use Elliot to get Magus back into the mortal plane but their memory only just mentions "blah blah follow blah blah Elliot blah" so they just assume that he needs to be watched but not sure why.
  16. 1 point

    EGS Strip Slaying

    Forgot this one, not sure who made it. Hauled it out for April Fool's day